A lot of time has passed since my last blog post, a lot. To be honest, I’ve always been one of those people that have been better at living in the moment than documenting the moment. Better at chatting it up with friends in real life by sharing all of my shenanigans, thoughts, laughter, and passion versus social media captions and blogging. It’s always boiled down to my need to get as much done as possible and focusing on where I want to spend my time, which was usually saved for those close to me. But as we have continue to shelter-in-place, I’ve had so many aha moments including the inspiration to want to share more of my process, my home, and my design.
As I get ready for this Wednesday’s official One Room Challenge (ORC) launch as a Featured Designer (yay!) where I’ll be sharing what space I’ll be tackling and all the details right here in my blog… I wanted to kick off what I’ve been working on in my bedroom first since I was planning to complete this space before the ORC opportunity arose. I had been plotting on painting my bedroom Hidden Sapphire by Benjamin Moore and then going full steam ahead with a concept that was a mix of Boho (Bohemian) and Magic (Black Girl Magic). I wanted a feminine and powerful vibe that was high on color and texture but also very fun and inspiring. This space will now be completed after the June 24 ORC final reveal so consider this photo a sneak peak with the Justina Blakeney Fela Tassel Sconces, art by Brooklyn Dolly, and a Cairo sign that I had made years ago. Stay tuned for more.
And what aha moments have you had while sheltering in place? Especially as it relates to your home?