We are officially midway through the One Room Challenge (ORC)! The weeks have literally flown by and I still have what feels like a thousand details left to sort out which is a normal part of the process i.e. obsessing over the details and making sure every box is checked off.
This week I'm going to give a bedroom update which probably isn't surprising if you follow me on Instagram. I've been sharing the process of me (yes, me with my circular saw in tow) installing a fluted accent wall which was quite the test of patience because of the level of detail cutting needed around the window, outlets, and electrical box for the picture light, but relatively simple otherwise! But before I jump into that lets take a look at my updated moodboard since quite a bit has changed since I first shared by bedroom with you in Week 2 including my bed and floors. I've also added in a dresser which was an insane journey of trying to find something that I love that was actually in stock! And after weeks of design changes thanks to backorders causing furnishing revisions, I've also confirmed my paint colors from Sherwin Williams. And I'm able to stay true to my design concept, Feminine & Cavernous, which I still love even with those changes.

Blueprint Lighting's Multi-Focal Wall Light | Loloi's Loren Area Rug | Currey & Co Table Lamps | Currey & Co Drink Table | Sherwin Williams Evergreen Fog and Rosemary | Hudson Valley Lighting's Berkshire Picture Light | Saatva's Santorini Bed | Minted's Palace Walk 1 Customized Art
Now lets chat about my fluted accent wall and the other decorative moulding details. The honest truth is based on the success of my Spring 2020 ORC, I felt/feel a lot of internal pressure to make this ORC at least as amazing as that one. And since I'm *only* doing 2.5 rooms this time, I wanted to make a special feature in the bedroom with decorative moulding. After several design drafts, and to stay true to Feminine & Cavernous, I decided to do an accent wall behind my headboard and chair rails and picture frame mouldings on the other walls. I laid everything out in AutoCAD to ensure that I wouldn't regret that decision (examples of 2 of the walls are on the right) and confirmed thats what I wanted to do. What I had to factor in, but am not showing in the elevations on the right, are the outlets and all of the lighting locations. I had to get my electrician to move one of the outlets by a cuple of inches to not interfere with the picture frame moulding. If I hadn't the moulding would have had to be oddly placed which is a design no-no.
Design Tip: To get your picture frame moulding layout right, make sure you factor in where light switches and outlets are located.
So what fluted moulding did I use? Door casing! I saw Ornamentel Mouldings 846 Door Casing (which is double sided BTW!), and it was love at first sight. They come in these 6"W x 7'H pieces (obviously since it's door casing) that was perfect for a quicker installation. For the most most part all I needed was a circular saw, a jigsaw for making the curves and cutouts for the windows, outlets, etc, and a nail gun. I'm sharing some photos below but you can also see video on my Instagram page. This week I'll finish filling the nail holes, caulking, and getting the chair rails and picture frame moulding installed in time for painting which of course got delayed, but gave me extra time to get this done. But it means I have a bigger crunch time later on, yikes!
Installation Tip : If you'll be installing alone at any point, buy fast acting construction adhesive to hold the pieces in place while you nail them in.
Ryobi's 18V ONE+ CIRCULAR SAW and 18V ONE+ BRAD NAILER (Note: These are battery-operated and insanely convenient for that reason.) | Ornamental Mouldings 846 Door Casing (Note: This is double sided and I used the fluted side.)
Installation Tip: Use a leveler and make sure that everything is straight as you go along. Walls and ceilings aren't perfectly straight and shouldn't be used as a guide.
In next weeks post we'll finally be jumping into flooring, but I'm hoping to share more of the bedrooms decorative moulding progress on social media. Thanks for reading! And don't forget to check out the blog posts of the other 19 ORC Featured Designers below!